I am posting some of our First look pictures. I walked in the front church doors while he waited in the front of the church. He was facing towards where the choir would sit so he could not see me walk down until I tapped his shoulder. I will never forget that moment. It was the most intimate sweet moment I could ever imagine. I was walking down toward my future.. toward my husband to be. It was so quiet and just David and I were in there (of course the photographer was allowed in). So david could here my dress swooshing toward him. He was patient on me walking down... I am proud of him for not turning around! :)When I tapped his shoulder he just started crying, turned around and held me, cried, I cried, he looked at my dress, we held each other for a good 10 minutes. I prayed. He cried.I cried. Then we started our day together in peace and most emotions out the window. It was a great choice for us! The best moment of the day! Well.. the vows and ceremony were also the best! :) I will post more soon, I am sure!
Today I am making some more earrings.. I will post later on. I am also going to spray paint some lamps and eat lunch with husband, work out, maybe tennis.. clean, pack... Going to the beach this weekend!! yay...Busy day!
I hope you all have a wonderful day. The Lord is good.
Meet Virginia