I would love to be able to travel, take pictures, and have a travel blog. I could, and will. Just to show off all the prettiness of the world. There is so much evil out there that when I see anything of beauty I am mesmerized .. Whether it is a sunset, a lighthouse, a father hugging his daughter, a couple holding hands, nature, a flower... etc. I love to capture moments in my mind. You can "travel" anywhere to see that. I am thankful that I do not take those for granted like I used to.
I am beyond thankful. I have alot of prayers going on in my mind that I don't even know how to pray for it, or what to say. But Thankfully the Lord knows and will keep proving He is God. Isn't it funny that He keeps on PROVING it? And He does not even have to prove anything to us, but He does. Over and Over He is faithful. Over and Over He is Constant and does not Change. And we forget everyday what He truly does for us, and I just love Him and His faithfulness to me, an undeserving girl. My Lord is faithful to ME.. Am I faithful to Him? What a blessing to be an imperfect girl, a sinner, that is secure in the arms of Christ. I am least of all. But He still loves and protects me. What an awesome God I serve. I am more than a servant, I am a SLAVE to my Christ.
I love you.
Lord, guard my family and friends.
Meet Virginia