My Hubby

My Hubby

Monday, January 11, 2010


This weeks photo of the week is from a beginning photographer, Ms. Ginny Dunaway from Brookhaven, MS. Her photo is actually from a simple point and shoot, which confirms the notion that the photographer makes a great picture, not the quality of camera. There are so many great things about this photograph. It's one that you can study and not just give a passing glance. There is a nice sun flare that casts some dramatic shadows. The lighting evokes the mood of a nice evening bike ride enjoyed by what seems to be a father and son. Good Job Ginny!

~I was speaking with my friend Susan about starting photography on the side (She is amazing at it) and she started a blog for Mississippi photographers! And next thing I know my picture is up! I am a little late on posting it but now that the holidays are over here it is! It was exciting. Thank you Susan. :)
This picture makes me miss Sandiego and their perfect weather and awesome sunsets. I am going to have to plan a trip this summer, if not there somewhere with great weather! It gets way to hot here in the Who Dat Nation. I would like to see San Fran and have a new adventure. I love adventures. Maybe I can take some good pictures wherever I go too. One day I am going to invest in a Canon Rebel and become awesome at it LOL.

I hope everyone is having a great 2010 so far. I have alot to look forward to this year. SO far the reading the Bible all the way through is going great. Have not missed a day yet, I am actually a day ahead! Go me haha. I am going to Disneyworld in Feb, I have A birthday in Feb ( I love birthdays), I have my work convention in Feb, Valentines Day in Feb, Mardi Gras in Feb, Amy's Wedding shower in Feb. That is only ONE Month of exciting things. March is just as fun! The Lord is good.

Very Thankful- Always and forever.

Meet Virginia

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