Grace: Something we can not earn. It is the idea of giving to those who do not deserve what it is given. Giving grace can be hard as humans because when we get angry or mad we tend to huff and puff and our pride gets in the way (good old sin nature). But when it comes to God He is the author of Grace. He is the perfecting of Grace. He shows Grace every single minute, hour, day to saved sinners who do not even deserve a glimpse of it. We are saved by Grace alone. Not works. That would be putting us on the same "table" as God. NOPE. Grace is a free gift. Get on your knees and thank your Savior for it. Grace is also to provide the basis for spiritual joy and pleasure. Pray for God's grace to be given to you daily and abundantly. For Grace entails that Joy that as a Christian we possess through the Holy Spirit.
Peace: ahhhh what a great word. Have you ever felt unsettled? Have you ever felt uneasy and down? Have you ever felt like a lion pacing back and forth because of no peace? I know I have. I have felt like that before and have been frustrated. And what do you expect.. I mean we fight against the world, satan, and our own sin nature. It is a battle, but you know what.. I say bring it on because you only have one life to fight for our Lord. God is the author of Peace as well. The Greek word for Peace in Verse 2 means " no inner fighting, spiritual and psychological harmony,concord, and tranquility." Peace is a daily thing and a huge blessing. Not every minute you are going to have that "supernatural" peace. But you always have hope and my prayer for you and I is to mature as Christians and see God's peace more and more. For He is our ultimate peace. He is the only thing that truly satisfies. He will give you peace that passes all understanding. For He is our Savior. Today is the day to realize who you are.. A sinner. And to realize who God is...GOD.
I really feel the need to say.. Get on your knees and pray for someone today. Grace and peace is what we need.
Meet Virginia