My Hubby

My Hubby

Monday, March 15, 2010


Life is meant for you to live it. I know that sounds simple but it really can be difficult sometimes. I have been blessed with a wonderful life. I love to live one day at a time and see where God takes me. I like to to see His hands and His "golden thread" throughout my life. If you make a wrong choice, guess what? God will make it right if you let Him lead. Romans 8:28. If you make a right choice, guess what? God is there. He is always there. Your choices build your character and you in general.. but God has the final say. I want to be able to just LIVE. I am not under any laws (biblically speaking) that hinders my relationship with Christ. I am saved by Grace alone. I do not want to be a slave to anything but Him. I want to work hard, play hard. I want to travel, I want to be a great wife, I want to be a great mom, I want to learn everyday.

Once again remember: If you are wondering what God's will/plan is for you.. It is simple. Read and Study His word. Live in the perimeters of His word. Seek Him. Pray to Him. Meditate on Him. Everything else is small details compared to the cross and eternity we have through Him. But if you do Study His Word and live by the perimeter of it.. You are doing His will for you. It is not rocket science, it is very simple. You do not have to chase a dollar bill, a spouse, etc.. All those will fall into place. THANK Jesus for that. Grace.. what a wonderful word.. Grace.. what a wonderful dispensation we live in.

Update on my life: I am still working at Examone, have a wonderful boyfriend, have a great deal of weddings coming up and beach trips yay! Can not wait for Easter (and my basket), "Training" for marathons :), eating at great restaurants, getting beautiful flowers right and left, got a gorgeous locket the other day from David, Just living. And Enjoying the ride.

Thank you Lord for your many blessings I do not deserve. I love you. I pray for my family and friends. Upcoming weddings that you will let all the details fall into place with each one of them
In Jesus name, Amen

Meet Virginia

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