My Hubby

My Hubby

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Wedding.. and HONEYMOON!

Well Lets see.. I ordered my GORGEOUS wedding dress..picked out the bridesmaid dresses.. booked the church and the reception..Have my hair place booked and makeup girl coming.. I am in the process of picking out shoes.. Setting up dates for our pre marriage counseling.. ordered the save the dates and looking for apartments! We are also ready some great Christian books on marriage!! OHHHH and we booked the honeymoon!!! I am so excited. David picked out a great Sandals resort and got us a beachfront room. We will be able to watch the sunrise and sunset from our room! I am so excited and so ready to start my life with David! I decided I am going to start a blog on our first year of marriage! I am not sure what I am going to name it yet but it will be full of our first year adventures together! I will be moving to Jackson very soon and I am so ready! So keep looking back for new updates on things.

I have tons of wedding planning to do so let me get back to that I just wanted to give my blog a little note! My online journal :)

God is good.. Here is a quote I read today.. loved it!

"If we live without an eternal perspective,earthly trials become larger than life. Without the hope of heaven there is nothing to prepare for, nothing to look forward to."

That is so true.. If we bring that into your marriage I think we will have a ton of happy moments!

Thank you Lord for choosing me.

Meet Virginia

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