My Hubby

My Hubby

Thursday, December 3, 2009

~An Attitude of Gratitude~

"Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of truth."-2 Tim 2:15

"It shall greatly help ye to understand Scripture if thou mark not only what is spoken or written, but of whom and to whom, with what words, at what time, where, to what intent, with what circumstances, considering what goeth before and what followeth after."- Miles Coverdale

Don't go through the motions. Don't go by tradition of men. Search the Scripture, Learn from the one who bore witness to the hands that wrote it (The Holy Spirit). Pray for knowledge to see it. Pray for understanding. And Pray to be humble before God. If you are able to see so much truth in so little time that you are here on this earth.. then that is a HUGE honor and blessing, but always stay humble bc the Lord gives how much knowledge He wants to give you and an attitude of gratitude is in order. BE THANKFUL. thank Him for bearing witness to you. Like my dad always said when I played ball." Have fun, do your best, and have a good attitude." I have those words very close to my heart bc it is so true. It is also true with my spiritual life.. I have fun reading the Word..Why? Bc the Lord reveals to me the things that Differ and His Sovereignty. I do my best. Why? Because I am in love with the Lord and want to please Him. By loving Him and reading His word the Holy Spirit indwells in me, and every good work I do is bc of Him, not because of me. Have a good attitude. Why? I am a positive person, who always looks up. I am saved from this world. How can I not have a good attitude?
It is funny how God can use a line your dad uses in sports to go along in your spiritual journey. I Love you Dad!

I pray for guidance. I am living one day at a time. Waiting in the back ground until the Lord leads me to the next step of my life. I wait, He leads. I pray, He Lays. I am still, He is God.See a pattern here? It is less of you, and more of God. He always was, always is, and always will be. He is King of Kings, Lord of Lords. One day every knee will bow, every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. Be ready.

Thank you Savior.

Meet Virginia

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