I want to go visit the road of Damascus where Jesus changed Saul to Paul. I think that would be so so so awesome. Can you picture it? Here is this evil man, full of hatred toward Christians and God. And boom.. Jesus appeared to him and changed him. Totally Sovereign. Saul was not looking for Christ. Christ reached down..and saved him from total depravity. And then made him the apostle of the Gentiles. The Pauline epistles.. Those are directed to us Gentiles today. Made this evil man the apostle for the Gentiles. Can you just think about it. Faith and Grace are the features of this dispensation. When Jesus bore our sins, and died on the cross. The Law died too. So now we are under Grace and Faith. It does not give us the license to sin. It should make us more apt to seek and honor Him knowing how much He loves us.
Conquer my heart daily, wash my heart clean. Clothe me in Righteousness. I turn to you in the darkest days, in the best of days, I can not get enough. I long for you. When I see you. I find strength to face the day. All my fears are washed away. One day I will see your scarred hands that saved me, and your gracious arms that hold me everyday that I can not see right now. Oh glorious day. I look forward to that very day.
No other "god" would do what YOU did for your children. Forever I am thankful. I do not have a God that is created by human hands.
So Blessed
Meet Virginia
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