My Hubby

My Hubby

Thursday, April 22, 2010


I love simplicity. I am so thankful for routines. Yes I LOVE vacations and things of that nature but it is good to be able to come home and get back into a routine. (I am ready for a home/house of my own). I love the South and living here. I love working but not letting work consume me or my life. I want to enjoy the weekends and keep those free for my family in the future. I love the simplicity of my relationship with Jesus Christ. I love the simplicity with my friends, family and David. I love the simplicity of being real and not someone who is fake. I love living simply and appreciating life. The Source of Life is from the one who Created it.. It is meant for us to enjoy and to love. I am talking about life, not the world. They are two different things. Do not over look the simple things of life. But do not get caught up in life so much you can not see past the world to see the Source.

I would say just LOVE. Tell the person you love that you are madly in love with them. Tell your family you love them and friends. Love deeply, madly.. and for eternity. Let love consume you. If you have a relationship or married let love over come you both and I mean real love. NOT lust. Life is short. LOVE and live. Live for that person you can not see yourself without. And if you do not have a person in your life at the moment live for him/her anyway. Prepare for them. What you do now, affects them in the future. And pray that you will see God in His fullness. Because that is True Love. He is the author of Love. Give Him your pen.

I have been having some "Storms" lately and would love some prayers. They are unspoken prayers but have something to do with my attitude on things. If you would jut pray that the Lord will help me in the areas I am struggling with. The enemy is storming the gates and I am feeling pressed and insecure. The Lord is good and will see me through this and help me grow and mature in HIM through it. When I am weak.. He is Strong. HE is my steadfast, my anchor. My hope is in Him. I will have faith. But would love my prayer warriors to get on their knees for me. :)

I hope everyone is having a blessed day. I am Praying for my family and friends like a champ ha.

Meet Virginia

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