My Hubby

My Hubby

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

What is Perfect?

Perfection is not outer beauty, Money, Status, Designer clothing, etc. There is no such thing as perfection. Imperfections are what make us who we are, it makes us know we need a Savior. I was listening to the radio today and heard about this girl who almost took her life because of pressure, of kids being cruel. And the sad thing is, Adults do the same thing. Who do they think they are, do they think they are better than someone because they have more money or maybe they think they look better than them? Well here is the thing you MIGHT look better on the outside from your point of view or from what the world might see.. BUT 1. Beauty fades. 2. Inner beauty outshines outer beauty by far, and for ETERNITY. God is the author of beauty, the maker of YOU. The worldly concept of beauty and perfection really makes me angry. And how people treat other people makes me sad/angry. You are to give grace to people around you. Love them. You might miss out on an opportunity God has for you to further His will by thinking your better than someone else. Trust me, you are not. Nobody is better than anyone. We are all sinners saved by GRACE. The only difference between saved sinners and sinners who are not saved is: We have hope, we have a heavenly destiny, Christ is our righteousness, We have access to the throne of Grace bc of what Jesus did for us on the cross, we have an intimate relationship with God through Jesus Christ. If it was not for Him, we would all be sinners that will enter darkness forever.

Well now that I got that out :)
It just saddens me how far our culture is going from Christ... On a positive grandma is improving. Slowly but surely. I can not thank you enough for praying for her and my family. It is unreal how many people have told me they were. People I do not even know. What a blessing to have prayer warriors. I love you all. She is still not out of the woods but the improvements she has made since last Friday are amazing. To God be the Glory.

I am praying for David and I.. I am tired of saying bye to him on Sundays :) Ready for something to happen where we can be together on a regular basis. God is in control though. I continue to pray for my grandma and family. I pray for my friends that they will grow in the grace and knowledge of our Savior. I pray for protection around my loved ones. I pray for work and most of all for Grace and Peace.

When you feel shaken. The Lord is not shaken. He is control. He is Sovereign.

Meet Virginia

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