My Hubby

My Hubby

Thursday, June 7, 2012

FAITH bigger than Fear

 Fear holds you back. It holds you from being who you are meant to be.. Who YOU CAN BE..
Why do we fear? What is fear?
 I believe that God did not give us a spirit of fear.. but of love, power, and sound mind. (2 Timothy 1:7)
If we look at that verse.. you will see that fear is a spirit and it is not from God. It is from our enemy to tear us down, to forget what God has done for us and to forget our power in Christ! When we are drowned in Fear we can not love, we are selfish, we can not grow spiritually, and we can not become the person that WE CAN BE. We lose out on blessings, and miracles... Exactly what Satan wants! So the question is how do we conquer fear? Well I am a big believer in the one day at a time method! I believe in prayer, I believe in reading God's word. When you are doing these things you are surrounding your mind and thoughts on things above and on HIS words. So you are less to fall into the fear attack. You have less anxiety and you can look at things with a sound mind.

Now saying that is easier than doing it. I get that we are human, we are sinners, and we fall short everyday. I know that I am the first to recognize my weaknesses. All I am asking is let's take one day at a time and LET OUR FAITH BE BIGGER THAN OUR FEAR! :-)

Another side note that I have learned is.. Most of the things we fear NEVER happen.

Try to enjoy the day!

Meet Virginia

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Simple Joys

It has been a while since I have posted anything and I am feeling all "bloggy" so it is time.. :)

A little about what is new and going on in my life on this pretty Tuesday.. I am currently a stay at home wife (even though I am rarely home), tennis wife (my husband is a tennis pro, so I am out helping him a great deal), and jewelry maker. I stay so busy but would not have it any other way. I am constantly ordering beads, looking up beads, traveling to bead stores and making some fun stuff! If I am not doing that, I am at the tennis courts, playing tennis, or doing paperwork for the pro-shop. It is not a bad gig I must say.. I love it. AND if I am not doing that, I am working on my fitness (mostly PURE BARRE-I will write on that soon), cleaning our place, and just hanging out with my husband as much as possible.

Now to the good stuff :).. A little bit about my title of this blog entry "Simple Joys"..

I posted some pictures a while back about starting to make jewelry..Well, the Lord has taken that and made it in to something special. "Simple Joys" is the name of my jewelry creations! That name popped in to my head one day because I believe in the simple joys of life, and enjoying them to the fullest. I hope when people wear my jewelry, that it will remind them of their own joys. I love all my fans, customers, and stores that carry my line. I am so thankful for all of you! I do put a great deal of passion and thought into each piece and adore seeing it on people! :) I  feel so blessed to love my hobby and to be able to make a little money on the way! I am also so blessed to have a husband that supports me and encourages me. If you get a chance "like' my facebook page and spread the word! Here is a link to my page:

I hope you can enjoy them as much as I enjoy making them! I will try to post more pics and stuff in the near future! Thank you again!

Have a blessed day!

Meet Virginia

Sunday, July 17, 2011


A friend, Katie Furr, took a picture of my sweet family yesterday-July 16, 2011. Had to share. It is a gorgeous picture! Thank you!! :)

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

~Our First Look~

I am posting some of our First look pictures. I walked in the front church doors while he waited in the front of the church. He was facing towards where the choir would sit so he could not see me walk down until I tapped his shoulder. I will never forget that moment. It was the most intimate sweet moment I could ever imagine. I was walking down toward my future.. toward my husband to be. It was so quiet and just David and I were in there (of course the photographer was allowed in). So david could here my dress swooshing toward him. He was patient on me walking down... I am proud of him for not turning around! :)When I tapped his shoulder he just started crying, turned around and held me, cried, I cried, he looked at my dress, we held each other for a good 10 minutes. I prayed. He cried.I cried. Then we started our day together in peace and most emotions out the window. It was a great choice for us! The best moment of the day! Well.. the vows and ceremony were also the best! :) I will post more soon, I am sure!

Today I am making some more earrings.. I will post later on. I am also going to spray paint some lamps and eat lunch with husband, work out, maybe tennis.. clean, pack... Going to the beach this weekend!! yay...Busy day!

I hope you all have a wonderful day. The Lord is good.

Meet Virginia

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Flea Market find-2

Good Afternoon! I am posting our new flea market treasures today.. We love them. Not sure what to use paint the magazine rack..thinking a green or a yellow? Any suggestions? We also bought this trinket box for our bathroom to put cotton balls in it. We got both of these for 20$! I
had a great day at work today and now watching David play tennis.. aka teach tennis! I love watching him. I got an email from my wedding photographer with some of our first look pics. I am going to upload those asap. They are breathtaking to me.. because it brings me back to that exact moment. Here is one of them.
It has been a wonderful day. God is good.

Meet Virginia

Monday, June 27, 2011

Day off means a productive day at Home

Good afternoon! I started my day by drinking a big cup of coffee and relaxing! I read the Word and some of my new decorating book. I love this quote that was in and had to take a picture of it.. It is so fun being a couple where you can bring both personalities out in your home. I bought the book and now have it as a coffee table book. It is an awesome decorating book. I am starting to collect those for future ideas when we get a house and also for decoration under lamps, tables, coffee tables, etc. They are a great thing to display in my opinion. :)
On another note, I have the day off so I cleaned and went to the bead shop... (Oh yeah, I took a bead class so I can learn to make jewelry). Today will be my first day to try to make some earrings. I made some 4th of July earrings for me.. They are not the best but they are good for my first go round! ;-)

I am also going to try to play some tennis.. I have had a few lessons and love it. Such a great sport to get in.. you can play "forever", keeps you in shape, and keeps you "awake". I love being married to a tennis pro. He is a great teacher.. Very patient with me! Well there is my agenda today.. :)

"I wait for the Lord, my soul waits,and in His word I put my hope.".... Hope your day is wonderful

Here are my earrings!!

Meet Virginia

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Flea Market Finds- 1

We are slowing down a little.. and starting to look for hidden treasures for our apartment. We went to a flea market in Flowood and found an amazing chair for 4o dollars! We fell in love, took it home, cleaned it, and now it is a fun chair for David to sit in and drink his coffee.. Oh and read :) We still have to clean the material a little more but I think we are going to keep the fabric that is on it.. as of now. We might up holster it later but we love the original look.

We also found these milk glass salt and pepper shakers at a flea market in Homewood, AL. I also got a small tin tray to put them on. We got all three for 10 dollars! Yippie!! It sits in the middle of our pub table. We love.

Enjoying coffee, writing, reading..

Meet Virginia