My Hubby

My Hubby

Thursday, April 22, 2010


I love simplicity. I am so thankful for routines. Yes I LOVE vacations and things of that nature but it is good to be able to come home and get back into a routine. (I am ready for a home/house of my own). I love the South and living here. I love working but not letting work consume me or my life. I want to enjoy the weekends and keep those free for my family in the future. I love the simplicity of my relationship with Jesus Christ. I love the simplicity with my friends, family and David. I love the simplicity of being real and not someone who is fake. I love living simply and appreciating life. The Source of Life is from the one who Created it.. It is meant for us to enjoy and to love. I am talking about life, not the world. They are two different things. Do not over look the simple things of life. But do not get caught up in life so much you can not see past the world to see the Source.

I would say just LOVE. Tell the person you love that you are madly in love with them. Tell your family you love them and friends. Love deeply, madly.. and for eternity. Let love consume you. If you have a relationship or married let love over come you both and I mean real love. NOT lust. Life is short. LOVE and live. Live for that person you can not see yourself without. And if you do not have a person in your life at the moment live for him/her anyway. Prepare for them. What you do now, affects them in the future. And pray that you will see God in His fullness. Because that is True Love. He is the author of Love. Give Him your pen.

I have been having some "Storms" lately and would love some prayers. They are unspoken prayers but have something to do with my attitude on things. If you would jut pray that the Lord will help me in the areas I am struggling with. The enemy is storming the gates and I am feeling pressed and insecure. The Lord is good and will see me through this and help me grow and mature in HIM through it. When I am weak.. He is Strong. HE is my steadfast, my anchor. My hope is in Him. I will have faith. But would love my prayer warriors to get on their knees for me. :)

I hope everyone is having a blessed day. I am Praying for my family and friends like a champ ha.

Meet Virginia

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

What is Perfect?

Perfection is not outer beauty, Money, Status, Designer clothing, etc. There is no such thing as perfection. Imperfections are what make us who we are, it makes us know we need a Savior. I was listening to the radio today and heard about this girl who almost took her life because of pressure, of kids being cruel. And the sad thing is, Adults do the same thing. Who do they think they are, do they think they are better than someone because they have more money or maybe they think they look better than them? Well here is the thing you MIGHT look better on the outside from your point of view or from what the world might see.. BUT 1. Beauty fades. 2. Inner beauty outshines outer beauty by far, and for ETERNITY. God is the author of beauty, the maker of YOU. The worldly concept of beauty and perfection really makes me angry. And how people treat other people makes me sad/angry. You are to give grace to people around you. Love them. You might miss out on an opportunity God has for you to further His will by thinking your better than someone else. Trust me, you are not. Nobody is better than anyone. We are all sinners saved by GRACE. The only difference between saved sinners and sinners who are not saved is: We have hope, we have a heavenly destiny, Christ is our righteousness, We have access to the throne of Grace bc of what Jesus did for us on the cross, we have an intimate relationship with God through Jesus Christ. If it was not for Him, we would all be sinners that will enter darkness forever.

Well now that I got that out :)
It just saddens me how far our culture is going from Christ... On a positive grandma is improving. Slowly but surely. I can not thank you enough for praying for her and my family. It is unreal how many people have told me they were. People I do not even know. What a blessing to have prayer warriors. I love you all. She is still not out of the woods but the improvements she has made since last Friday are amazing. To God be the Glory.

I am praying for David and I.. I am tired of saying bye to him on Sundays :) Ready for something to happen where we can be together on a regular basis. God is in control though. I continue to pray for my grandma and family. I pray for my friends that they will grow in the grace and knowledge of our Savior. I pray for protection around my loved ones. I pray for work and most of all for Grace and Peace.

When you feel shaken. The Lord is not shaken. He is control. He is Sovereign.

Meet Virginia

Sunday, April 18, 2010


I am sitting in the ICU unit in Brookhaven. My Grandma almost lost her life on Friday. Her kidneys were shut down and her potassium level was at 8.5. She had pneumonia in her right lung and a numerous other things. Well she is now in the ICU doing treatments. Her Kidney started back running yesterday and her Potassium is now below 6 which is great. But she still has a ways to go to come back out of this. So please pray for her and our family. It is so hard to see a loved one hurting so much, especially your grandmother. I just love her so much. But the Lord is good and he has her in his gracious arms right now. She is fighting and He is providing. We will see how things will play out. She might come out of this. I mean God is in the business of miracles right? :)

I am so thankful for ALL of my friends that have been so encouraging and for all the prayers we have gotten from them. I am thankful for David. We were in North MS for a tennis tournament, we were leaving to go eat and that is when i checked my phone. Well I called my sister back and sure enough got the news about my grandma. I was hysterical and while I was on the phone David turned around and drove me to Jackson. He is the best. I am so thankful for him.

Lord, I pray for Grace and Peace for my grandma and family.

Meet Virginia

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

A little Bit of Bragging

I have to brag on my Boyfriend for a minute. He is the most thoughtful, generous, loving, God fearing man I have ever met. He has "pursued" me for a long while now and God has really let my eyes become open in the past months. And man I am thankful. Some of the things that I am so thankful for..He always opens the door for me, I Love the way he looks at me, He is drawn to me, Likes to be wherever I am, Tells me I am beautiful a whole lot and means it. Sends me flowers ALOT, Prays with me, Studies with me, likes to shop, if we have a disagreement we always settle it, He loves life, He is in shape and is athletic, He is a hard worker, He Likes his job and is good at it, He protects and takes care of me, He loves me for me, Lets me be me, He does not want to change anything about me, My feelings are a top priority for him, He listens to me, He wants to marry me, Love how he holds me... I could go on and on.. Long story Short I am thankful for how he treats me, my family, and my friends. Everyone in my life loves him. He gives me peace. He is a true blessing.

I miss my Best Friend Ashley very much and wish the plane tickets were not so much :( Hopefully I will see her in July though when she comes to the South.

This weekend I will be heading to watch David, Stu, and Mr David play in a tennis tournament. I am very excited about it and pray for everyone's safety on the drive there. This month and May are going to be so busy for us.. But the chaos is going to be fun! Bring it on.Keep us in your prayers.

Hope you all have a blessed week.

Meet Virginia

Friday, April 9, 2010

Another Pretty Day

I am sitting in the hospital with my grandma. She is doing ok. They are supposed to take her to the nursing home today for rehab on her arm and to help gain back her strength so she can make it home. She looks so tired. It will be ok. She still has her sense of humor, making little silly jokes.

Another pretty day :) Once I leave here I will head to Jackson. I am ready for a relaxing weekend. I have some reading to catch up on!

I was praying this morning for a very peaceful day. I love when God makes my heart smile for Him. He is so good to me. That feeling does not compare to any other feeling in this world.

The Word Blessed.. This is from my 2 minute Bible Email.. Good stuff.

It has been said that the word "blessed," in our English Bible, simply means happy. Thus the "blessed man" of Psalm 1 is a happy man and the "blessed God" of I Tim. 1:11 is a happy God. (We refer to the Hebrew and Greek words most often rendered blessed).

To say the least, this is a superficial understanding -- or misunderstanding -- of one of the most wonderful words of Scripture. A fool can be happy, a drunkard can be happy, a wicked man can be happy, but none of these are truly blessed, for one who is blessed has a deeply valid reason to rejoice.

Thus Psa. 1:1,2 says that the man who shuns "the counsel of the ungodly ," "the way of sinners" and "the seat of the scornful" and meditates and delights in the law of God, is "blessed." He is well off and has great reason to rejoice.

Few, of course, would dare to claim that they have fully lived up to this passage in the Psalms, but God's Word has good news even for such. In Romans 4:6-8, St. Paul declares:

"David also describeth the blessedness of the man unto whom God imputeth righteousness without works, saying, Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven, and whose sins are covered. Blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin."

This blessedness is not a mere feeling of happiness. It is rather the state of being well off; with a deep and abiding reason to rejoice.

Thus Psalm 40:4 says: "Blessed is that man who maketh the Lord his trust," and when the Galatians stopped trusting completely in the Lord and began leaning on their own works, the Apostle asked them: "Where is then the blessedness ye spake of?" (Gal. 4:15).

Thus to be truly blessed is to be well off; with the greatest possible reason to rejoice. This is why the believer in Christ, saved and eternally safe in Him, is, like God Himself, "blessed for evermore."

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Nola and Friends

Life on a Wednesday night in New Orleans. (Below are some of my Nola friends!) I am thankful for you ladies!

The weather is perfect today. I love it. It is around 68 here in NOLA and not humid. I just wanted to write a short comment on how thankful I am. The Lord really has blessed me with a great family, great friends, and amazing Boyfriend (I have the best one out there). I went to the square last night and enjoyed some New Orleans music and a huge hamburger from Lucys.. with sweet potato fries. So good and bad for you. :)

I am excited about the upcoming weekend. I will be in Jackson or Brookhaven and will be able to see David. We are going to shop, lay out, eat.. Just hang out! Fun times. My grandma is not doing great so if you could, say a prayer for her. She is in the hospital right now and supposed to be in the nursing home today for rehab on her shoulder. I would appreciate any prayers for her.

I hope everyone is doing great and have a blessed day.

Meet Virginia

Monday, April 5, 2010

~Ahhh Dreams~

I was thinking about all the things I want to see or do. And wanted to share some of them. There are way to many to name. but here are some.. They might not happen.. but hey can a girl dream? I think so.
1. See a pretty lighthouse in Cape Cod, Rodanthe or a place like that
2. Zip line in Costa Rica
3. Photography Classes
4. Rent a cottage in Ireland or anywhere in the European countries. Would be fun and cheaper with a group.
5. Go to a beautiful Island with pretty scenery, sunsets, and beaches.
6. Rent a cabin in the woods
7. Learn how to cook
8. Run/walk a half marathon
9. See a massive waterfall
10. Have a movie marathon... All day.

I will probably add to this list later. It is fun to dream and make a list. I dare you to do it. I will for sure do a few of these.

On a serious note. I had a wonderful Easter weekend. It was AMAZING. Sunday I had a great Bible Class and then was able to see some of my family for lunch. I got an awesome Easter basket and the weather was fabulous. I fell in love with Easter

I hope everyone is great. Your in my prayers.

Meet Virginia