My Hubby

My Hubby

Sunday, April 18, 2010


I am sitting in the ICU unit in Brookhaven. My Grandma almost lost her life on Friday. Her kidneys were shut down and her potassium level was at 8.5. She had pneumonia in her right lung and a numerous other things. Well she is now in the ICU doing treatments. Her Kidney started back running yesterday and her Potassium is now below 6 which is great. But she still has a ways to go to come back out of this. So please pray for her and our family. It is so hard to see a loved one hurting so much, especially your grandmother. I just love her so much. But the Lord is good and he has her in his gracious arms right now. She is fighting and He is providing. We will see how things will play out. She might come out of this. I mean God is in the business of miracles right? :)

I am so thankful for ALL of my friends that have been so encouraging and for all the prayers we have gotten from them. I am thankful for David. We were in North MS for a tennis tournament, we were leaving to go eat and that is when i checked my phone. Well I called my sister back and sure enough got the news about my grandma. I was hysterical and while I was on the phone David turned around and drove me to Jackson. He is the best. I am so thankful for him.

Lord, I pray for Grace and Peace for my grandma and family.

Meet Virginia

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