My Hubby

My Hubby

Friday, November 13, 2009

600 PEOPLE??

Today is another beauty. Even though I am nervous about my 600 people presentation tomorrow I can still soak in the pretty day!

On that note PLEASE pray for me tomorrow that I will let God take over my nerves and be able to stay calm and confident during the presentation. I am ready for it to be over. Once it is over I am heading over to my friend Jennifer and Nicole's house and going out to eat for dinner and wine to celebrate it being over! I love Pinot Grigio wine- I think Bluepoint in Destin made me love it.

Random: I went to Office Depot today to buy something for work and the guy asked me what I was looking for. I told him, and he said please go back to the left back wall and a guy will assist you. So I was like.. well heck yeah that is awesome service. So as I was walking I heard him on his walkie talkie.."Someone please meet a girl in the back and assist her.. She has a white top on, black pants, and brown hair." I wanted to be like Excuse me!!? My hair is red. The people that know me.. That is a sore subject because I LOVE MY HAIR and people are telling me more and more that it looks brown :( So I almost fought him. BUT decided not too.. Because what kind of lady would that be right?? My fighting days are over haha

Well anyway I hope you all have a glorious day. Thank you Lord for my encouraging prayer warrior family and friends. What would I do without them?

Meet Virginia

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