My Hubby

My Hubby

Monday, November 30, 2009

Blessed Hope

I long for God's Word.. I can not stop longing for it. I guess it could be called "my drug". Like when an addict longs for their drug I long for Gods Word! I always have this "knot" in my stomach, and I think that will never go away until I am face to face with Christ. I am Redeeming the Time until He returns for His Children- (one of them being me). What an awesome day that will be my friends. How cool would it be to fall in love with some one who loves the Lord deeply, one who will help guide you and yall BOTH help each other learn and be so in love with each other and Christ that when it comes time to go to the other side of the crystal sea, yall can worship in heaven together as well. So it would be an eternity love, just different kind of love in Heaven. We dont know how that will be, but let me tell you this.. whatever it will be, will be awesome and right.
We have a blessed hope.
I am also very blessed to have a family I can worship in Heaven together with and friends as well.

Nothing can separate me from the Love of Christ-I am sealed by the Holy Spirt, written in the book of life. No man, not even me can take me away from His Hand. I can run, I can hide, I can not pick up the word for a million years and would still be one of his.That is how much He loves Ginny Dunaway. I would be very mediocre and very "child like" but I would still enter the gates of Heaven. But on the contrary, I want to learn so much about my Father and His love. I want to look at Jesus and say "Thank you for letting me see your Word Rightly Divided, and your Sovereignty." I would also like to meet Paul, and hear all of his stories of his message to us Gentiles today. I have alot to Look forward to.. A BLESSED HOPE!

So thankful

Meet Virginia

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