My Hubby

My Hubby

Monday, November 16, 2009

Romans 8:28

There is so much hurt out there that as a Christian it makes me long for Heaven and hurt for everyone. Sometimes I feel like I am carrying the load of people because I care so much.

I know our main question when bad things happen is..."Why?" Where is God in all this hurt?
Well here is some encouragement.. Romans 8:28. You have to hold on to that with all of your might. Etch it into your Soul.
We do not have answers to the WHY questions. All we know is that God is a God of Love, He never said in His word that life is easy.. But he did say He would see you through the Storm. He will never put anything on you that you can not handle! You only have one life to fight the good fight and surrender your whole being to The Lord. One day there will be no more pain, no more cancer, no more divorce, no more theft, no more hurt, no more broken hearts. You have to walk to that finish line (I will be running)... you have to fight. Jesus fought for us, HE died for us. We deserve nothing, we deserve no blessings. But God, the God of love.. thought other wise. He saw that we could not be righteous so He sent His Son to die for us on a cross to be our righteousness. Now we have hope through Jesus Christ. And there is no death in Christ. There is only Hope. Yes your body will decay.. but your Soul lives on for eternity. Keep fighting. Never give up. Oh.. and BE THANKFUL for everything you have and pray without ceasing.

If you are going through something today that hurts..My advice is to find God in this storm, get on your knees.. ask for help. He will not abandon His children. Also if you need anyone to pray for you. Please let me know. I will be your prayer warrior.

Meet Virginia

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