My Hubby

My Hubby

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

~You pray. He Lays.~

It is funny how God will lay things on your heart sometimes. You pray, he lays. Sometimes it is what you want, sometimes it is what you don't want, and sometimes (most times-if not all) it is what you need. I pray in confidence for my family, friends, health, job, future mate,Callie Cole restoration, all the Christians in the world who die daily for the name of Jesus.

I was talking to a friend today and she said that she was having a hard week and that she felt like Satan was storming the gates. So what did I do, I prayed for her. I told her I was feeling hard pressed too, (and i really feel plain lazy) What did she do, prayed for me. I think prayer warriors are so important. Jesus intercedes on your behalf and prayer is powerful. I believe in the risen Lord and I have faith that is unmovable (Satan will try to move it, I pray for strength to stand). When your life shakes, Heaven stands still. I feel like you have to be ready for whatever this unfair world throws at you. My hope is for everyone I love to draw near to Christ and let him hold you in His gracious arms. Learn as much as you can about Him and His word. Always look up. Bc we might be face to face with him in a blink of an eye. Be ready

So thankful

Meet Virgina

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