My Hubby

My Hubby

Friday, December 4, 2009

~Is it Christmas Yet?~

Oh man I hope it snows. I am ready. I have my gloves, my hat, and my jacket all waiting to be worn. If it snows I will be getting me some coffee or hot chocolate a movie and a book. I have dinner plans tonight but after that I want to just curl up and be lazy! Oh the joys of life, I love it!

I am ready for Christmas vacation. I will be taking a couple weeks off of work and relaxing in Brookhaven most of the time, spending as much time as possible with friends and family. I will be back in Nola for New Years and can not wait to see my bf Ashley! I love the small things of life, the small details that give you so much joy. I love that word, JOY! It is in me at all times no matter what. It might hide every once in a while when I have a blah day but it is not deep down. It always surfaces.

I am memorizing Romans 8:28-39 right now. I am excited about it. That comes easy to me so I hope I will be able to memorize it easy. For some reason those verses are always on my mind and in my heart. I always look at them, so I thought it was time to etch them into my soul. Like my friend that is memorizing them with me said.."that is some good etching.." haha. I love her. Maybe I should become a professional etcher? :) I will memorize it and then study it so I can understand it more.

Well I pray for my Family, Friends, Future Mate (I believe in Soul Mates), Callie Cole and her parents during this hard time in their life (esp being around the holidays),I pray for the ones I love to have strength to stand when Satan knocks at their door, I pray that the ones I love will be protected under your Shield Lord and that they will have strength to renew and discipline their minds and heart to study your Word. I also pray that you will hold me so close, let me see your divine love, protect me from harm, I also pray that I will discipline myself to study your Word, and most of all, I pray that I will see more of you and less of me. In Jesus Name- Amen

I love you Lord.- the Holder of my Heart.

Meet Virginia

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