My Hubby

My Hubby

Sunday, December 6, 2009

~More of Him, Less of You~

When in doubt, Do nothing at all. That is what my mom always says when I am confused on what to do. Wise words, from a wise woman.

I had a great worship today at church and loved the message. He talked about death, and why you should not be scared of it. VERY good. I love my church here in Metairie, la. Pastor Bill is solid. I have been watching football-Go Saints. And Go Giants.

I am thankful for the peace that I have about life. I know that everything will be taken care of. My needs will be met. I know where I am going after my soul leaves my body. I know that Jesus is my mediator. I know the Holy Spirit makes intercession for me, and prays for what I don't even know I need. I know that nothing can separate me from the love of Christ. I know I have spiritual blessings in the heavenlies waiting for me. I could go on and on. Long story short. God sent His Son to die for me, if He would do that.. don't you think that he will take care of all the small details in your life? I, with no doubt, think so. Remember, it is not about you. It is about what Christ did for you. More of Him, less of you. So whenever I get frustrated, down or mad about life..I take myself to the foot of the CROSS and remind myself of what my SAVIOR did for me. The Cross is the centerpiece of God's timetable. Grace. Love. Mercy.

God is good.

Meet Virginia

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