My Hubby

My Hubby

Saturday, December 12, 2009

~God Written Love Story~

I feel like if you wait for a God written Love Story you can give your heart away to that man in peace. What I mean by that.. Jesus has my heart right now (always will be number one in my heart) but when you wait on that man/girl that He made for you that He will be willing to share with that person and it will make sense and be right. He writes every aspect of your life.. why wouldnt He write and be interested in your Love Story. I think people have the mindset if it does not work out then they will get divorced. No. When I get married, I wanna play for keeps.. we will make it work by the love and grace of God. Hard times, God. Good times, God. It will be a triangle. God at the top, me on the right side, "him" on the left. He will be the leader. We will help eachother on our journey to our ultimate destination in Heaven.
All my friends that truly know me.. Know how "picky" I am. But I want what is right for me, who will build me up, who will let me be my goofy and intense self, who helps me with my "faults", who loves my imperfections, and most of all help me in my walk to Christ and in Christ.

Give God the pen.. :
"Tell God you are ready to be offered, and God will prove Himself to be all you ever dreamed He would be,"-Oswald Chambers

"As for God, His way is perfect.. "-Psalm 18:30

Right now.. I am just living. I love life. This hard but beautiful ride.. (sounds kind of like a country song. hmmmm). I am so thankful for my awesome friends and family.

I hope everyone has a great weekend.

Meet Virginia

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