My Hubby

My Hubby

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Only thing that is constant is Change.

The only thing that is constant in life is CHANGE. Good, or bad. Change is there, change is constant. The one thing that does not change is Christ. I have been so blessed that it is scary.
I have so much to look forward to.
My hearts desire is to follow and honor Christ in everything that I do. I am a saved Sinner and thankful for my peace that I have in my heart. The peace that passes all understanding. So when Change happens I welcome it. The Secret of the peace of God: Philippians 4:5-7. He warms my soul. My heart is His (obviously) and I love the fact that He gives me that peace.I am just going to be still and let God be God. Its great how that right there can take so much pressure off of you and your daily walk. Just BE STILL. Let God be God. That is so comforting to me because if it was up to me I would be on the road to disaster (By Gods Grace I am on the road to Him). He is always there.. no matter how many times you fall, or fail Him. He is there.

Romans 12:12- "Rejoicing in Hope, Patient in tribulation, continuing instant in prayer. "
I pray without ceasing.

Thank you Lord for helping me through my daily struggles and thank you for being there in my daily joys. You work out every detail of my life. EVERY detail. I pray for my family and that you will put a hedge of protection around them and give them strength to stand on a daily basis. I pray for my friends that you will let them see the beauty of your Word. I pray for myself that I will continue to seek after you daily and that I will be still. Your comfort is magnificent.. Change a comin? I think so!

So Blessed-Beyond Measure.

Meet Virginia

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